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Chapter revelation and war with the Machine Cult.
Last Updated; February 23. 2005 - Imperial Record

The Venor Crusade

In 708.M40 The Guardian Angels where aiding the Eastern Fringe planet; Venor against continuing Dark Eldar attacks, when out of the blue, they where attacked by a small Adeptus Mechanicus Force that had long suspected the Chapter of hiding STC secrets, and withholding Gene-seed. – And indeed, at this time, the Chapter was still unsanctioned by the Lords of Terra, and did not give up any of its Gene-seed.

The Adeptus Mechanicus Force first initiated an attack on the Chapters Strike Cruiser, the venerable; “Liberty”, that was there to aid the war effort.
The attack severally crippling her systems, making outer system communication impossible, and hampering the current defensive mission of the Battle Force.

To make matters worse, the Chapters ground troops where taken by supprise when attacked by the planets PDF Force aided by a small Legion of Skitarii.
The Planetary governor having been threatened and convinced by the Adeptus Mechanicus General, that the Chapter was indeed heretical.

The same Mechanicus force delivered an emergency communication to Terra, reporting a derelict Space Marine Chapter, accusing the Chapter of hiding STC secrets, employing Xenos technology, and withholding Gene-seed. This resulted in a fuming Fabricator General of Sol, and the Adeptus Mechanicus Force on Venor was soon to be reinforced by a small Titan Legion.

The small Battle Company on Venor where cut of from outside communication, unable to call for aid, and where sure to be exterminated within a week. – But back at the Hand of the Guardian, the Chapter received a message from a mysterious sender; declaring that the Chapters third Battle Company had come under attack by a superior force, and the Chapter being unable to raise contact with the Liberty, responded by sending the first, second, fourth, fifth and eight company to the Venor system.

On both sides the battle escalated, as the Guardian Angels used their training and speciality of boarding actions to get supremacy of the Planets airspace; manoeuvring their ships to initiate a myriad of planetary bombardment while landing their troops to engage the enemy.
Finally after months of fighting and trying to communicate with the enemy, the Chapter gave their Ultimatum: “Cease your attacks, or we initiate Exterminatus”.

The Chapter did not like the decision, but considering their losses it was the last resort that would have to be used if the Chapter was still to be combat efficient.

It was on this very day that a large Armada of the imperial Battle Fleet arrived within the system, and on Inquisitorial demand by Inquisitor “Lex Promelgatio” of Ordo Hereticus, the war was ended. Resulting in The Guardian Angels being put under Inquisitorial supervision, and disappearing once more from Imperial Records.

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