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+++ RAGNAROKK 666 +++
A Community Warhammer 40000
Campaign Event related to 06. June 2006
Last Updated; June 04. 2006 - Imperial Record 1.422.6.2.


How do I sign up?
You don’t need to sign up, you don’t need to pay any entry fee, you don’t even need to give your name.
All you have to do is play a game on the given date and report in
Reports must also be made at the given date.
06. June. 2006.

When to start playing
This is a special event linked to the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year of this millennia, so that is naturally the day you get to play.
That is to say the sixth of June 2006.
No other days will be considered!

While you can start playing at any time on the day as long as your report is in within the 6th of June 2006 (report in on your time zone), it is encouraged that you start your game at 06:06.06 in the morning
Games started at this time in the morning will get a bonus win rating!
[bring coffee! ;-) ].

What Game Size is legal?
Any game size is legal, but an encouragement goes out to play at least one game of 333 or 666 points to either side.
Other than that, huge battles and especially Mega Battles are encouraged to make this a memorable event.

What armies are legal?
Space Marines from any relevant Space Marine Codex.
Sisters of Battle.
Death Watch.
All Inquisition Codexes.
Chaos Space Marines – All variants.
Lost and the Damned.
Imperial Guard as Ragnarokk PDF and as Chaos Cultists.

Yes, DIY Chapters are allowed and encouraged, but DIY rules are not encouraged.

What missions are legal?
Any and all official missions are legal, but both the missions from the Daemonhunters Codex: are encouraged; especially the “Stop the Ritual” mission.

May I play games of Battlefleet Gothic for this event?
Yes you may!
Such games will be reported in for Strategic Zone 7.
It is highly recommended that the battle contain one planet and some warp phenomenon or nebula close to the planet. – The Ragnarokk system’s Red Dwarf may also cause some strange events in your game, but these are all suggestions, they are not mandatory.

Are there any limits as to what models I may use?
The models should preferably be by Games Workshop.
You may NOT report in images using unassembled models, and any images with unpainted models will be grayscaled for reports.
You should not use inappropriate proxies
(ie. Ooo This banana is a Land Raider).

Conversions are encouraged!

How many battles may I report?
You may report up to three missions per pair of gamers.

What is considered suitable Terrain?
Ash wastes and deserts; ruined cities; whole cities; Space ship terrain (for those orbital battles); Sewer terrain; Underground terrain; Submerged caves; Mountainsides and Snowy areas; Jungles and Woods; Farmlands and Rural; Volcanic areas, and finally Daemon world terrain.


To report a battle, all you have to do is go to:

and write up the following:

Game Size!
How many players participated in the battle.
How many armies participated in the battle.
What Forces of Good where played
What Forces of Evil where played
What type of scenery you played on
What side won!

What region you played in. (PS! If no region is reported, your region will be decided by your terrain and what area needs support the most.)

The name, rank etc. of you'r army Commander.

Number of models to each side of your battle, or possibly the full Force Organization Chart.

Highlights of the battle
You may report in your highlights, and these may influence the final outcome in some way.

Battle reports and Stories
You may write up Stories and Battle Reports and or send links to Stories and Battle Reports of your own writing.
While hopefully all such material will be up on the results page, it is not guarantied and it may take a bit of time based on the amount of results received.

Photography and art in relation to the event may be reported in by providing a link to a page where they can be viewed or otherwise downloaded.

If you have no such option, write in and ask if you may upload them as a *.zip or *.rar file, but please ask before uploading images so the inbox isn’t clogged, thereby hampering other peoples efforts to upload their battle reports.

Images may be reported in later that the 6th of June.

Note that images reported in may be subject to censorship, cropping and resizing.
A certain degree of quality is expected, no pornography is allowed and you are not guarantied to get your image online on the results pages.

Note that by sending material to the reporting address:
, you also agree to that it may be posted on the pages created in relation to the Ragnarokk event!

Will my email or other contact info be
used / spread to commercial lists etc.?

Absolutely not!
In fact you don’t even have to give your email or any other contact info to report in, although IP’s are logged when you send in a report to ensure no one floods the Campaign results.

When will the results be ready?
This depends on the amount of battles reported, but hopefully within a week, or two.

Influensing the “Medusa V” World Wide Campaign

Finally, here is a suggestion as to how this mini Campaign for the Community may influence the official Games Workshop World Wide Warhammer 40000 Campaign Medusa V”.

If Chaos wins the overall Ragnarokk Campaign, the Imperial reinforcements are hampered in their efforts to reach Medusa V and arrive late.

This can be shown in game by the Imperial player getting a drawback, like getting 100 pts less on the Force Organization Chart in one battle at the start of the Medusa V Campaign, or having to hold forces in reserve in a mission where this is not appropriate.

If the Imperials win at Ragnarokk, it means Chaos’ efforts to hamper Imperial reinforcements to Medusa V is a failure, and the Imperials arrive in full force, overwhelming the enemy, and giving the Imperial player a bonus of 100 pts on the Force Organization Chart in one battle at the start of the Medusa V Campaign.

Of course these are just suggestions, and eventually it is up to you and your opponent to agree upon a suitable reward or drawback stemming from Ragnarokk; if you wish to let it influence your battles for Medusa V at all.

All in all:
Best of Luck & Best of Wishes!



A Short Introduction
A Call to Arms
The Planet of Ragnarokk
A short Planetary history
The Incursion
The Battle Zones
How it All Works




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