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A Librarium-Recording of the major gathering, conflict
and Mega Battle for the Research Facilities of Enigma 42.
Last Updated; March 15. 2007 - Imperial Record



Imperial Guard (E42 Planetary Defence Forces)

Lead by the pious but inexperienced Colonel Nikolai, most of the Imperial Guardsmen on E42 have rebelled against their Radical Inquisitor Lord and sided with the Space Marines that have landed on the Planet.

Knowing that it is very unlikely they will ever leave, the Imperial Guardsmen now fight to stop the forces of the xenos so they can redeem themselves in the eyes of the Emperor. – On several occasions however, they have found themselves aided by the enigmatic Eldar; and so they have been ordered by their new Leader, not to engage the Eldar at this time, but rather to concentrate on the more aggressive xenos and chaos forces.

In addition to decimating all enemies of the Imperium, The Imperial guardsmen have been assigned the vital task of destroying the Tyranid Hive Queen and her Hive so the Tyranids will fall into disarray and become an easy target for Imperial forces.

But this mission is no small task and as the battle rages around them, the heroic men of the Imperial Guard must throw their bodies into the fray in order to capture the Tyrranid Hive and gain access to their Queen.

For the rules on capturing the Hive entrance, see the Tyranid’s mission entry.

A short introduction
The Story so Far
Enigma 42

Forces of Order
Imperial Guard
Faynor's Men
Space Marines

Forces of Disorder
Chaos Marines

The Battle
The Mission
Special Rules

Concluding Story
E42 images

Behind the Scenes
Things to Bring


NEXT >>>




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