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A Librarium-Recording of the major gathering, conflict
and Mega Battle for the Research Facilities of Enigma 42.
Last Updated; March 15. 2007 - Imperial Record



Inquisitor Faynor and his men

A small group of the radical Inquisitor Faynor’s closest men have stayed loyal to him and are currently hiding somewhere in Bios City where Faynor is working desperately to eradicate all traces of his radical research.
Once this job is done, Faynor plans to call in an Aquilla Lander from his ship which has been called and is currently under way to the planet.
But before he can escape he and his men must desperately defend themselves against enemies on all fronts.

Faynor and his men in the game
Faynor and his men are represented in the game by five empty blip markers and one that holds the unit, placed at random within Bios City Buildings.
Any unit that can see a blip will automatically reveal what it is. – Turn the blip over to see if it is Faynor and his men, or if it is a dud.
If it is Faynor, place one Inquisitor model on the Blip and surround him by ten Imperial Guardsmen armed with Las-guns. – All other blip markers are removed!

Faynor counts as a normal Inquisitor with power armour, a bolt pistol and close combat weapon.
His retinue counts as normal Imperial Guardsmen armed with Las-guns.

Other than to get out of line of sight, into cover; or into assault (if they are within Assault range), the unit will not move, and they will never move outside the building they are in as they need to stay there until the data cores of the research facility have been emptied and destroyed.
Within the parameters given, this unit is controlled by the Imperial Guard Player.

Faynor moves and falls back with the unit he is part of.
If the unit Faynor moves with is killed, he acts like a independent Character moving 6 inches towards his starting house every turn he can.
If he is alone or still with his retinue, he falls back as normal towards the house he started in.

Engaging , Capturing and Killing Faynor in Combat
The unit can be engaged like a normal unit and will defend itself against the closest enemy unit in range by firing or close combat.
(All player models are considered an enemy).

They may attack with their normal stats and weapons, shooting and assaulting the closest player-controlled unit in range. - If two or more units are within equal range, they are randomised by numbers on one or more d6.

The Faynor unit and blips representing him, or houses, vehicles or bunkers holding his unit, may not be fired directly upon by Imperial or Chaos Artillery, as they want Faynor alive. - They may be hit by scattering Artillery however.
Such hits count as hitting the top levels of the house the unit is in and will do no damage to the unit or others in the building.
If they are out in the open however, they are hit like normal, but they all get a 6+ invunreability save, while Faynor gets a 4+ invunreability save and is treated like having an Adamtine Mantle.

Faynor may not be killed by Space Marines (including scouts), or Chaos Space Marines in close combat (they capture him instead), but he may still be shot to death, and demons or any other unit from other armies will kill him in close combat. – He is also subject to effects like Nurgle’s rot.

Faynor cannot be killed until all in his retinue are dead, but look out for overbearing wounds from shooting as these will kill him as usual.
The Imperial Guard can opt to kill or capture him in close combat

Capturing Faynor and handing him over for interrogation
His unit must be defeated and Faynor must be bested in close combat to be captured. - Once these requirements are achieved, Faynor is captured and must move with the unit of the Capturing player’s choice. – Joining the unit like a normal character would.

Once he is captured Faynor may not attack in any way, but otherwise retains his stats and is treated like a normal character.
He may be transported in a Vehicle but takes up a transport slot as per usual character rules.

Faynor must be transported to the edge of the table to be fully captured.
Once he is base to base with the table edge, he is considered to be fully captured and handed over for Interrogation. – The unit transporting him do not have to move off the table edge to deliver him into captivity.

He may not leave the unit he is a captive of unless it is to be handed over to another capturing army unit. – This is done as per normal joining and leaving unit rules for characters except when handed over he counts as having both left one unit and joined up with the other in the same turn.
He may be handed between Imperial armies’ units as a character normally joining and leaving a unit.

Victory Points Value
If Faynor is handed off for Interrogation by the time the battle ends, he is worth 100 Victory Points. If he is not handed over, but with a Capturing, Player controlled unit, he is worth 50 points. If he is dead he is worth nothing.

If Faynor is held in captivity by the Imperial Guad at the end of the game, he is only worth an additional 30 Victory points.

If he is alive and still in his starting house at the end of the battle, he is considered to have purged the data-core and escaped the planet.
This means no extra Victory Points for either side.


Inquisitor Faynor
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Vicory pts.
4 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 3+/i4+ 100 / 50 / 30
* Faynor is only worth his Victory Points Value, not Victory Points
plus points for defeating or killing the Character itself.
His men are worth no Victory Points what so ever.

Power Armour
Bolt Pistol
Close Combat Weapon
Adamtine Mantle
Iron Halo

Psychic Power
Scourging p. 14. Codex Witch Hunters.


A short introduction
The Story so Far
Enigma 42

Forces of Order
Imperial Guard
Faynor's Men
Space Marines

Forces of Disorder
Chaos Marines

The Battle
The Mission
Special Rules

Concluding Story
E42 images

Behind the Scenes
Things to Bring


NEXT >>>




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